In the Monastery Church from 27.4.2024 to 3.11.2024

This year’s exhibition at Kloster Schönthal promises to be something quite different: between 28 April and 3 November 2024, the large-scale installation project “Der eilige Geist kommt zur Ruhe” (The Hurried Spirit comes to Rest) by the famous Swiss artist-couple Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger will transform Kloster Schönthal and its surroundings in a very unique way, turning it into a place of pilgrimage again.
Please watch out for the opening hours.

→ Information to the exhibition and events
→ Pressetext_kurz_Versand_Klosterbrief74.pdf
→ AA Backtage und Anlässe ab August.pdf
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